Tuesday, February 2, 2010

David Quammen Evolution Lecture Extra Credit

After attending Mr. Quammen's Lecture on Charles Darwin and his theory of evolution I find myself intrigued with Darwin himself. Everyone has at least heard of him, and most know why he is popular. But I feel like I know a whole new side to his works after hearing a more in depth aspect to Darwin as a man and how his works evolved. I was under the impression that Darwin was a hard headed and a "I'm always right" kind of guy. But after hearing the lecture about him my mindset greatly changed. Mostly because of Quammen's topic of how Darwin had two traits that set him aside from other scientists; he was very cautious and honest. For the cautious aspect, it took Darwin over 21 years of constant critiquing to actually publish his work on evolution after he had completed it. Then, for his honesty side, he never once felt he was misleading science and that there were a fix set of laws for life and evolution.

As far as Quammen's lecture I felt that he did a great job keeping the audiences attention and interest. He did this by keeping the mood light with bouts of humor. Then, at the same time he did a great job staying on task and portraying his information. Another strategy I felt he used very well was that even though you could tell he had an opinion, he never steered to any extreme as to offend anyone in the audience. Quammen made it clear that Darwin was not trying to disprove creationism, only that those creations evolve to set laws. He wasn't completely all for Darwin, he was sure to point out that Darwin had his faults. I think he did this to seem (be in my opinion) more credible and seem a little less biased.

I feel like I gained a lot of knowledge by attending the lecture. Not so much more knowledge as much as just a different insight on the topic. I would recommend attending the lecture to any person, be spiritual or science based, wanting to gain a new aspect on Darwin and his works.

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