Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Flow Extra Credit

After watching "Flow" I was really suprised at how big and widespread of a problem there is dealing with clean water. Living in the society that we do I think we tend to take things like that for granted. We have clean water to drink, shower and play in and not have to think about it. where in some of the places in the film, their best was a creek or murky river. Another thing that stood out to me was the part about the herbicides and pesticides running off into the water supply. Especially, the one produced in Europe (don't remember the exact name) but it was banned in all European countries, but billions of pounds of it is sold to the US yearly. Another thing that stuck out to me was where nestle put the pump plants in Michigan. They sucked many creek and river beds dry, lost a lawsuit telling them to stop pumping. Then, through their money and power they go higher and won a lawsuit to let them pump again. (bought may be a better word than won) Then, The last thing that stuck out to me, which goes back to our bottles water discussion, was that just the US spends 5-10 times yearly on bottled water than what the UN quotes creating clean water sources for the entire planet that doesn't have it already. But to end on a positive note, I do think the film was well organized and had a good pitch. I also hope more people see this film, and others like it, and begin to start doing things to fix the problems.

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